Guide for Authors

Imam Hussein University

Guide for the authors of the journals of Defense Policy

The required files that must be prepared and uploaded by the author are as follows:

1- The original file of the article in Word 2010 format

"Note: When uploading, please note that the article has been checked by the editor's software first and that it has been prepared and adjusted in terms of writing points according to scientific articles and also in terms of formatting in accordance with the format and format of the Journal. (Click to download the template file of the Journal according to the format of the articles)

2- Letter of commitment form (click to download the raw letter of commitment form)

3- Author conflict of interest form (click to download the raw conflict of interest form)

4- The authors' profile form (click to download the raw authors' profile form) Note: Please fill in all the specified items in the form.

5- Sending a report to the Samim Noor text matching system or Irandak matching system (click to download the guide for preparing and sending the matching result)

Due to the Open access to the journal's articles, we do not accept articles containing confidential information.

Dear authors, to avoid delay in reviewing submitted articles, please consider the following points carefully:

1) Prevention of plagiarism and scientific fraud: Please read the instructions on how to investigate research violations and examples of research violations before submitting the article.

2) Thematic scope of the Defense Policy Journal: defense and security studies, defense strategies and security strategies, defense strategic program, publication of defense studies course articles, knowledge needs assessment in the field of defense and security, defense policy architecture, defense and security framework and map, development of defense knowledge culture national, documenting experiences, making defense organizations smarter, deepening defense thinking and research, defense learning, collective thinking and collective thinking in the field of defense and national security, helping academic centers and think tanks.

3) Characteristics of the submitted articles: The submitted articles should not be published in publications or internal and external conferences or sent simultaneously and should have one of the following characteristics:

Original research paper: A research that contains original content in scientific and specialized fields, and by criticizing knowledge management issues, they have proposed new ideas and reached new results.
Case study paper: A research that has been carried out as a survey with the aim of presenting the application of a scientific technique in a specific case or organization in the subjects of knowledge management.
Review paper: Research that has been done with the aim of categorizing and meta-analyzing new researches and outstanding scientific works in knowledge management issues.
4) Author or authors: After submitting the article, it will not be possible to delete, add or change the order of the authors' names, and among the authors of the submitted articles there must be an author with an academic rank (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor).

5) General and partial revision: When applying a general or partial revision requested by the referees, the modified file of the article should be sent by the responsible author along with the reply letter of the report of the modifications made corresponding to the opinions of each referee.

6) Content editing: The magazine reserves the right to reject, publish and/or edit the content of the articles.

7) Acknowledgment: The author/authors are required to acknowledge the financial or spiritual sponsor or creditor of the research (if any) that they have used in writing the article at the end of the article.

  8) How to write articles: How to write articles is as follows:

Maximum number of article pages

The maximum number of pages of the article (including all parts of the article, including the English and Farsi abstract and sources, etc.) prepared in accordance with this editing guide, should be between 15 and 20 pages.

Thank you very much for your valuable scientific efforts, respected researchers; Please pay attention to the following when writing and submitting your research articles.

A: Admission regulations (scientific-research articles)

(1) The submitted article is the result of one or more scientific researches of the author or authors and its documentation is from reliable sources.

(2) The article submitted in the specialized field of the quarterly should include the topic of defense (military and civilian), the topic of security (national and international) and converged topics of defense and security.

(3) The submitted article should be at the strategic and operational levels.

(4) Considering that the articles that are printed are presented in the form of index on the sites, the submitted article must have the necessary standard of a scientific-research article and meet the conditions of the citation databases mentioned in this instruction.

B: Writing style (scientific-research articles)

A scientific-research article should be expressive, innovative and fluent along with preserving the Persian language. Also, it should be written without any spelling mistakes and the editing rules should be followed. Below are the features of each section and the requirements for writing a scientific-research article.

1- Features of writing parts of the article:

(1) The first page: it includes the title of the article, the name of the author or authors, abstract, key words and no footnotes of Latin words.

(2) The title of the article: clear, related to the article / short and concise / without Latin words and formulas / without abbreviations and unfamiliar words, with the title 1 B Zar 11 Bold.

(3) Persian abstract: it includes a brief and comprehensive description of the content of the article with an emphasis on the problem, objectives, methods and conclusions. The abstract should be set in one paragraph and maximum 300 words (maximum 8 lines) without using tables, figures and sources.

(4) Key words: (3 to 5 words) Key words should be determined in such a way that they can be used to prepare a subject list (Index). /Abstract text and keywords B Lotus 10 Italic

(5) Abstract footer: It is customary to include the author's academic rank and place of employment or study along with their e-mail in the order of their contribution to the compilation of the article in the footer of the abstract page.

(6) introduction or preface: including; Statement of the problem, importance and necessity, question or hypothesis, research method, background of the research subject and scope of the research, as well as specifying the time frame under investigation.

(7) Theoretical foundations of the research (research data): The purpose of this section is to identify the research space and establish a connection between the subject literature and the researched topic. These include; Definition of vocabulary, definition of special words (terms), introduction of signs, presentation of categories, introduction of people's opinions and views and schools, introduction of symbols and profiles (models) of others, etc.

(8) Data processing (analysis and analysis) and research findings: In this section, the methods (methodology) of data processing are explained very briefly. Then, with the mentioned method of data processing (relationships and the type of their influence on each other), we will reach the primary findings of the research.

(9) Consequences and achievements of the research (conclusion): In this section, with the development, combination, intersection and generalizations to principles and relationships (formulas), perspective (theory or theory), symbol and index (model and model), approaches (strategy, plan, program and...) we get a new hand. (Here we will be allowed to propose our new findings or reject the results of other researches.)

(10) List of sources:

Guide on how to write references: (click to get the complete reference guide file)

* References in the text:
References within the text of the article: (author's name, year: page) such as (Robbins, 2007: 148). It must be Persian.
Reference in the text with the name of the organization: (if there is no author's name (Climatology Center, 1388: 154).
Reference in the text with the name of the journal: (if the author's name is not available) title of the journal (highlighted), journal number, page number.
* Sources at the end of the article:
Book reference: surname, name, (year of publication), title (prominent), place of publication: publisher.
Translation authority: surname and name of the author, (year of publication), title (prominent), name and surname of the translator, place of publication: publisher.
Article reference: last name, name, (year of publication), title, magazine name (prominent), serial number, time of publication, from page ... to page ...
Thesis reference: last name, author's name, (year of publication), title, guidance: supervisor's name and surname, university name, degree and field of study.
Reference of Internet sources: last name and first name of the author, (year), title (prominent), taken in date, from the address of the Internet site.
Important note: in the list of sources, first Persian sources should be arranged in Persian alphabetical order, then English sources should be arranged in English alphabetical order.
Click to get the complete referencing guide file.



The validity of a scientific-research article depends on its authentic documentation and sources are of high value. Therefore, first the Persian sources, then the Latin sources, and then the list of Internet sites.

Important note: only the sources used in the text should be given in the final list of the article.

(11) English abstract:

The translation of the Persian abstract is in English (up to 300 words). Also, English keywords are similar to Persian abstract writing, 3 to 5 words.

2- Requirements and requirements for writing a scientific-research article:

Pay attention to the following points (requirements) in writing a scientific-research article.

  Important point 1: It is mandatory to observe all semi-spaces in the text of the article (use editor software if needed and desired).

  Important point 2: According to the grammatical rules of the language, all sentences and paragraphs must be set in the negative form. (For a better understanding of the topic, pay attention to the example below)


In this article, we will examine the issues in detail = false

In this article, the issues have been examined in detail = correct

  Important point 3: All numbers in the text and tables (except relations and formulas) should be written in Farsi.

  Important point 4: All decimal numbers must be written correctly. (eg 0/5 or 1/5)

In addition, the publication template in word format is available in the link below, it is suggested to use this file to increase the quality of writing and adjust the article according to the format of the publication.


(1) Size and type of font for the sections of the article: in the same cut, maximum 20 pages of A4 (6000 words), the approximate distance between the lines should be 1 cm, with a distance of 2 cm from the left and right, and a distance of 3 cm from the top and bottom of the paper. Prepare and send in Microsoft Word 2003-2007 or higher editions and B Lotus font and font 12 and English text with 10 Calibri and for Arabic texts with B Badr 12 font.

(2) In-text headings (headings): The first, second and third headings should be in the specified fonts (B Zar Bold and sizes 9, 10 and 11) respectively.

(3) Figures, photos, tables and graphs: all figures, graphs and images should be named and numbered with the word "figure" and all tables with the word "table" and all photos with the word "image". The title of the graphs and pictures should be inserted below them and the tables above it. To insert the title of each figure or table, after the word figure or table and its number, a dash and then the title should be mentioned. Photos should be clearly in JPG or DPI 300 format and with high quality in the article. Figures and tables should each have consecutive numbers and be self-explanatory without the need to refer to text explanations.

(4) Words, special words (terms) and Latin names: as much as possible, the Persian text should be refined from any foreign words and these words and names should be given in Persian form in the text. But for correct pronunciation, the Latin word must be written at the foot of the page (footnote) on the same page. Avoid using foreign terms that have an exact equivalent in Farsi.

(5) Common expressions and idioms: be given completely and correctly.

- The expressions (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), (peace be upon him) should be mentioned completely

- The continuation of the title of Imam Khomeini (may God bless him and grant him peace) should be mentioned in full.

- The continuation of the title of Imam Khamenei (Madazlah al-Ali) should be mentioned in full.

- The term "Zionist regime" should be used instead of "Israel".

- The phrase "Islamic Republic of Iran" should be written in full.

P: Submission method and acceptance procedures (scientific-research articles)

(1) The articles will be received exclusively through the database, and the articles sent by letter or e-mail will not be considered.

(2) Do not put the details of the author or authors in the WORD file of the main article and after receiving and completing the raw form of the authors' details through the system, after uploading the original file of the article, upload the completed details form.

(3) Completing the originality commitment form.

  {Note: After completing and signing the form, scan it and send it as a supplementary file through the publication system.}

(4) After reading and accepting the criteria, if your article meets the requirements, enter the registration process and upload the article to be sent to the Quarterly Office.

T: Legal issues and obligations (scientific-research articles)

(1) All the rights of this quarterly belong to the Center for Strategic Studies of Defense and National Security of Imam Hossein (AS) University.

(2) Quarterly magazine has full authority in accepting or printing articles and is not required to respond in case of non-acceptance or printing of articles. (The receipt and acceptance of the article by the journal does not necessarily mean its definitive acceptance for publication)

(3) The quarterly is free to edit, edit, summarize or modify the accepted articles. While it reserves the right to edit the articles, it is exempted from returning the edited article.

(4) The original rejected or withdrawn articles will be removed from the journal's archive after six months, and the journal will not bear any responsibility for it.

(5) The printed version is limited, so after the article is printed, only one copy of the publication containing the article will be awarded to the responsible author.

(6) The responsible author is responsible for the scientific and legal accuracy of the contents of the article and the responsibility for the opinions and opinions presented, and publishing the article does not mean confirming all its contents.

(7) The opportunity to announce withdrawal is before the article's referee's answer, otherwise the author is required to pay the accompanying damages or enter negative points in the acceptance of subsequent articles.

(8) The author undertakes that the submitted article has not been submitted to other publications or conferences at the same time.

(9) Copying and quoting of the content included in this quarterly magazine is allowed only by writing its exact address in the quarterly magazine.

S: Final speech

The articles that have the most references from the previous issues of this quarterly and other publications of Imam Hossein University (against Islam) will have more points in accepting and publishing the article.

Page settings, margins and spaces:

Article submission directions

Page settings, margins and spacing


Bottom= 5.8 cm

Top= 6 cm

Right= 4.5 cm

Left= 4.5 cm

Paper A4

Height= 29.7 cm

Width= 21 cm


Footer= 0

Header= 2.3 cm

In the footer:
* Scientific rank, field or study group, faculty and university, city, country. Avoid using items such as faculty members.
** Scientific rank, field or study group, faculty and university, city, country, email and phone number of the responsible author.
*** Scientific rank, field or study group, faculty and university, city, country.
In the text of the abstract, refrain from stating the introduction and generalities and directly refer to the problem under study and its objectives, methodology and results of the research. The abstract in the article should not be less than 150 words and not more than 200 words. The abstract should have only one paragraph and refrain from referring to references and using footnotes in it.
Keywords: at least 3 and at most 5 words separated by a comma (;).
To type an article in Farsi, only use Microsoft Word 2010 software (MS-Word 2010) in the Windows environment with Farsi features. The typesetting of the article should be done with a line spacing of 1 cm.
The main text of the article should be prepared as a single column. The title of each section or subsection should be typed with a blank line from the end of the text of the previous section. Avoid numbering titles in the text of the article. The first line of all paragraphs will be indented half a centimeter (0.5 cm).
The order of the article titles (very important)
The order of the article titles includes the following:
1. Abstract (maximum three quarters of a page)
2. Introduction and statement of the problem (maximum two pages). In the introduction and statement of the problem, the goals and necessities of the research should be mentioned (what is this research and why is it being done?), and at the end, the general question or the main hypothesis of the research should be raised.
3. Theoretical foundations of a maximum of four pages
4. Research background of maximum three pages
5. Research methodology
6. Research questions or hypotheses
7. Findings: (Findings should be arranged in order of answers to questions or results of hypotheses)
8. Conclusions and suggestions: (The research result should be mentioned in this section, so you should not be satisfied with just the summary. Suggestions should also be presented based on the research findings.)
9. Acknowledgment: The author/authors are required to acknowledge the financial or spiritual sponsor or creditor of the research (if any) that they have used in writing the article at the end of the article.
10. Resources
Maximum number of article pages
The maximum number of pages of the article (including all parts of the article, including the English and Farsi abstract and sources, etc.) prepared in accordance with this editing guide, should be between 15 and 20 pages.
Foreign and specialized words in Persian text
The Latin equivalent of the names of foreign authors and specialized words should be written in the form of subtitles at the bottom of the same page only in the first reference and immediately after the expression of such words.
If you need to insert subtitles, all Persian items should be written in right alignment and Latin subtitles in left alignment. In the footnote after the number, type a period, then a space and then the Farsi or English equivalent.
Each graph must have a number and a title, which is typed in the middle line below it and numbered in order from 1. Diagrams should be inserted in the text and where they are referred to, and diagrams should be placed in the middle position of the two sides of the paper. It is mandatory to express the unit of quantities in the graphs. All diagrams must be referenced in the text of the article. Place each diagram with a blank line between the preceding and following text.
Each table must have a number and title, which are typed in the middle of the table and numbered sequentially from 1. The tables should be inserted inside the text and after the place where they are mentioned, in the middle position compared to the two sides of the paper. The column titles of the tables should be typed in center line and all texts inside the table should be typed in right line or center line if they are Persian, depending on the amount of text in the table, and in left line if they are Latin. All numbers in the tables must be typed in Persian and Chinese. It is mandatory to state the unit of quantities in the table. Each table should be placed with an empty line between the text before and after it. Table 1 is prepared according to the above guide. In this table, the font type and size required for writing Persian articles are summarized.

Table 1. Summary of type and size of fonts required for editing Persian articles

Title style





B Titr



first name and last

B Nazanin



E-mail address of the authors

Times New Roman



The title of the sections

B Zar



The title of the sub-sections

B Zar



Abstract text

B lotus




B lotus



Keywords text

B lotus



English title

Times New Roman



English name and surname

Times New Roman



English abstract text

Times New Roman



English keywords

Times New Roman



main text

B zar



Persian subtitle

B zar



Latin subtitles

Times New Roman



Title of tables and graphs

B zar



Titles of the columns of the tables

B zar



Persian texts inside the tables

B lotus



Latin texts inside the tables

Times New Roman



Persian references

B lotus



Latin references

Times New Roman



Important points about shapes:

1- Figures should start from number 1 in ascending order (figure 1, figure 2, etc.).

2- The caption of the figures includes a brief explanation that must be inserted below the figure.

3- Make sure to refer to the figure inside the text (on the relevant page and preferably after the relevant paragraph).

4- Pay attention that there is no figure or table after the conclusion part.

Important points about tables:

1- The tables should start from number 1 in ascending order (table 1, table 2, etc.).

2- The caption of the tables includes a brief explanation that must be inserted above the table.

3- Be sure to refer to the table inside the text (on the relevant page and preferably after the relevant paragraph).

4- Pay attention that there is no figure or table after the conclusion part.

Mathematical formulas and relationships:
  Use a two-column table with invisible lines according to the example below to display mathematical formulas and relationships. In the right column of this table, write the relation number and in the left column, write the relation or formula. (Using Microsoft Equation in writing formulas is required). If the formulas are prepared in Word version 2007 environment, the submitted file must be saved with *.docx extension to prevent the formulas from being converted into photos. All mathematical relationships should be numbered from 1 and the number of each relationship should be placed in parentheses.
How to refer and prepare a list of sources:
How to write a reference is as follows: (click to get the complete referencing guide file)
References in the text:
References within the text of the article: (author's name, year: page) such as (Robbins, 2007: 148). It must be Persian.
Reference in the text with the name of the organization: (if there is no author's name (Climatology Center, 1388: 154).
Reference in the text with the name of the journal: (if the author's name is not available) title of the journal (highlighted), journal number, page number.
How to arrange the sources at the end of the article:
Book reference: surname, name, (year of publication), title (prominent), place of publication: publisher.
Translation authority: surname and name of the author, (year of publication), title (prominent), name and surname of the translator, place of publication: publisher.
Article reference: last name, name, (year of publication), title, magazine name (prominent), serial number, time of publication, from page ... to page ...
Thesis reference: last name, author's name, (year of publication), title, guidance: supervisor's name and surname, university name, degree and field of study.
Reference of Internet sources: last name and first name of the author, (year), title (prominent), taken in date, from the address of the Internet site.
In the list of sources, first Persian sources should be arranged in Persian alphabetical order, then English sources should be arranged in English alphabetical order.
  English abstract:
The English abstract of the article must be exactly the same as the translation of the Persian abstract (following all the instructions of the Persian abstract writing in this section is also mandatory) and from the left side of the paper, with lined edges.
(Justify Low) should be written. The number of abstract words should not be less than 150 words and not more than 200 words.
Keywords: in terms of order and number, they should be the same as the English translation of Persian keywords.
Referral method:
The specifications of the sources used are as follows:
A) Book:
- Surname and name of the author, (year of publication), name of the book (in large font), and surname of the translator (if the book is translated), place of publication: name of the publisher.
- The order of the sources should be according to the letters of the alphabet, of course, it is necessary to mention the Holy Qur'an, Nahj al-Balagha and Sahifa Sajjadiyeh, if used in the article, at the beginning of the sources by mentioning the name of the book, the name of the translator, the year of publication, the place of publication and the publications.
b) Publications and magazines:
- Journal article: surname and name of the author, (year of publication), title of the article, name and surname of the translator (if the article is translated), name of the magazine or publication (in large font), number of the magazine or publication, period or year. Cited page or pages.
- Conference paper: author's last name and name, (date of day/month/year), title of the paper, title of the conference (in large font).
- Newspaper article: surname and name of the author, (date of publication day/month/year), title of the article, title of the newspaper (in large font).
c) Theses and dissertations:
- Surname and name of the student, (year of publication), thesis title (in large font), with guidance: supervisor's name and surname, name of the university or scientific center, degree and field of study.
d) Internet sites:
- The title of the person, organization or site, (date of publication day/month/year), title of the article (in large font), accessibility in the internet address: site address.

Writing tips:

1- It is mandatory to observe all semi-spaces in the text of the article (if needed and using editor software).

2- According to the grammatical rules of the language, all the sentences and paragraphs should be arranged in the negative form. (For better reasons, look at the topic as an example below)

for example:

In this article, we will examine the issues in detail = false

In this article, the topics are examined in detail = correct

3- All numbers in the text and tables (except relations and formulas) should be written in Farsi.

4- All decimal numbers should be written correctly. (eg 0/5 or 1/5)

The Journal template file is available in the word file format in the link below, it is suggested to use this file to increase the quality of writing and adjust the article in the format and format of the Journal.