Scenarios of the End of Yemen's War and its Consequences on Saudi Arabia's Influence and Presence

Document Type : Original Article


Yemen’s future and that of the parties to Yemen’s war involved will become more complicated, as this war has been prolonged and the Saudi Arabia-led alliance has invaded Yemen. Therefore, there is a variety of questions concerning the future of war in this country. Considering the explanation above, the main question appears to be, ‘how will the end of the war between Yemen and Arabia be?’ Additionally, what are the means by which Saudi Arabia’s influence and presence in Yemen are realized? To answer this question, we firstly refer to Arabia’s military presence, political influence, and economic and cultural influence in Yemen; then, actors involved including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, parties inside Yemen, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the United States of America, the United Nations, and Kuwait are addressed. This is followed by an examination of key uncertainties and the forthcoming measures to be taken that involve imposing negotiation on the alliance (with the centrality of Arabia), provoking a decisive showdown (with the centrality of U.S. action), a divergence in the alliance (with the centrality of the United Arab Emirates), and struggling when in dilemma (based on Ansarullah's conditions). By the same token, this is what futures studies approach seeks to analyze by way of determining key actors, drivers, key uncertainties, extracting and explaining scenarios, and finally Wild Cards, a conclusion, and recommendations are provided.


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