The Impact of Missile Defense Systems upon IRI’s Regional Deterrence

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Khorasgan Branch

2 Department of Political Science, University of Isfahan, Iran


As an element of national strategy and diplomacy, deterrence is not a new concept. However, it one of the old means which has been of widespread use in military history. At its simplest form, deterrence is a specific type of political relation where one side endeavors to influence other party’s behavior for its desired purpose. Deterrence is a theory in international security which has been taken into consideration in the regional and international anarchic order. However, the missile defense system is a means used for deterrence, which off course has different functions in different regions especially in times of instability and stability, hence the regional order and security being different. Aimed at studying the impacts of missile defense system on the regional deterrence of the Islamic Republic of Iran, this research intends to answer this question. What effect does the establishment of missile system by the intervening power in the West Asia region have upon IRI’s regional deterrence? Using the library sources and documents available as well as descriptive method, and addressing concepts such as deterrence, defense systems and missile strategies, this research has addressed the effects of missile defense on the security of the region. The findings of the research indicate that missile defense systems have bidirectional effects on the regional security of the countries. Also, as the main system that amplifies IRIs deterrence, IRAN missile system is capable of strengthening the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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