Analyzing the security crisis in Libya: Reasons and Consequences, "2019 to 2011"

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Prof. University of Guilan

2 ph. d student

3 Ph.D. Candidate, international Relations, University of Guilan


There are many factors that contribute to the emergence and continuation of the crisis in Libya, which can be explained and analyzed within two categories: namely internal and external factors. Nevertheless, the origin of threat in the Third world countries can be said to be more internal than external. Even the pro-revolution developments in Libya after 2011 originate more from internal problems and the gaps thus created than any other problem, something that has caused crisis and the lack of legitimacy in this country to continue. Considering what was said earlier, this writing seeks to answer these questions: What factors have caused the security crisis to transpire? Why has this crisis continued after seven years? And what will be the consequences of this continuing crisis for Libya, the region and the world. The temporary answer as a research hypothesis is raised as follows: the most important factor that causes the security crisis to continue in Libya is oil and fighting to guarantee domination over oil resources from economic point of view, domination of tribalism over Libya’s political-social structure from social-religious point of view, the conflict between Islamists and liberals, and the formation of national sovereignty according to the statistics of World Bank. As such, it follows that the government established after Gaddafi is as much facing challenges like harsh tribal conflicts, the crisis of authority and insecurity that stems from radical Islamist and tribal actors, all of which have increased social and political disorders. On top of these, foreign interventions have managed to sustain the crisis.


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