Defense Diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran With emphasis on missile technology))

Document Type : Original Article


Allameh Tabataba'i University (RA)


Defense diplomacy constitutes part of the state’s policies that plays a part in achieving the armed forces’ goals as an important means, that is aimed at providing optimal political, national, and international conditions to preserve and expand the country’s vital national values in the face of potential and actual enemies. One of the characteristics of defense diplomacy under the present circumstances is the fact that it is considered as a means of giving identity and legitimacy in countries' defence and strategic policies. After the victory of the Revolution in 1978, the Islamic Republic of Iran underwent a series of tensions with the international system, after which problems like military sanctions, war with Iraq and ... broke out. However, the Islamic Republic of Iran tried to resolve such problems by a few special defense diplomacy tactics in differing times. The main question in the present research is: Where does missile technology stand and function in IRI’s defense diplomacy, considering the ongoing military sanctions and threats in the region? Defense diplomacy serves as an influential means in advancing IRI’s objectives and policies as part of the process of building trust, easing tensions, building security, and generating power that has turned to indigenization and deterrence approach on the basis of missile technology as well as asymmetric warfare only to meet the regional threats and remove them. This article is of analytical-descriptive type and the contents in it have been collected with library method relying on the news and reports that have been gathered from news sites."


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