Moscow-Tel Aviv Relations and the Interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Syria

Document Type : Original Article


1 University of Mazandaran

2 university of Mazandaran


Russia and Israel enjoy deep historical ties in political, military, economic and cultural fields. Russia plays a key role in international developments, especially in the Syrian crisis that has led Israel to expand relations with Russia.  Regardless of the factors and incentives that shape Russia and Israel's convergence, the level of ongoing diplomatic relations between them indicates the existence of a semi-strategic relationship between Moscow and Tel Aviv. On the other hand, the Islamic Republic of Iran constitutes one of Russia's most important political, military and economic partners in the region, and Russia's policy in the Middle East and military intervention in the Syrian crisis have increased cooperation between the two countries. On the basis of the considerations above, the question arises as to how the strategic relations between Moscow and Tel Aviv have contributed to IRI's interests in Syria as well as to the advancement of its objectives, as the relations between Moscow and Tel Aviv become strategic. The hypothesis tested in this paper as a response to this question is that the broad strategic relations between Moscow and Tel Aviv and Israel's important position in Russia's regional and international policies has caused Russia to create obstacles to the advancement of the Islamic Republic's political, military and economic goals in Syria. The research method in this article is explanatory, the data collection method is library-internet based. Finally, the theory of equilibrium theory has been used within the framework of Neorealism in order to conduct a theoretical and scientific analysis of the problem of research.


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