Identifying the Security Components of the Grassroots in Iraq : A Case study of Hashad al-Shaabi

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author: Assistant Professor, Research Institute of International Studies, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Research Institute of International Studies, Imam Hossein University (AS), Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student in Regional Studies, Imam Hossein University (PBUH), Tehran, Iran


Al-Hashdal al-Shaabi in Iraq is one of the institutions established by the Iraqi Supreme Authority at a critical historical juncture, inspired by the Basij Organization of Iran, to counter the harsh threat posed by ISIS. Hashad al-Shaabi is an institution that has dual dimensions and six components of basic public security. In addition to bringing the people to the forefront as agents of repelling threats and producing security, it has also defined the issue and source of security in accordance with the will of the Iraqi people. It has also been able to effectively counter the threat posed by ISIS and to do its job well in defending the holy sites, the people and the sovereignty of Iraq. Using a library method for data collection and a descriptive-analytical method for analyzing the findings, this article first enumerates the dimensions and components of "basic people security" and then examines the situation of Hashad al-Shaabi in compliance or non-compliance with these dimensions and components. Is. In the people-based security approach, people are considered the center of security in such a way that people are both the exploiter (reference) of security and the agent of security. People's security is closely linked to social capital and identity. The findings of the article show that in grassroots security, people become the main agents of security production and government security agencies can use this huge capacity to minimize threats while maintaining security at the desired level. The security of grassroots people has two dimensions: "social capital"


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