The Geopolitical Goals of the Zionist Regime's Policy of Iranophobia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Corresponding Author, Assistant Professor, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. in International Relations, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Imam Hussein University of Officers, Tehran, Iran


ranophobia is a strategic project that seeks to present Iran as a major threat to the region as well as to world peace and security, so as to weaken and tarnish Iran's image in the public opinion of the region and the world. The present article tries to analyze and study the Zionist regime's policy of Iranophobia towards the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran from a geopolitical perspective. The present article tries to analyze the Zionist regime's Iranophobia policy towards the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran from a geopolitical perspective. For this purpose, after analyzing the theoretical concepts and findings of the research, the goals, the policy of Iranophobia of the Zionist regime in relation to the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran has been analyzed. The findings of the study clearly show that the adoption of the Zionist regime's policy of Iranophobia is in line with the goals: Turning the minds of the international community away from the new territorialization of the Zionistregime 2- Isolating the Islamic Republic of Iran 3- Concerns about nuclear Iran 4- Persuading the United States to put pressure on Iran 5- Taking advantage of the United States and Western countries In order to expand the geopolitical realm 6- Cover up its military nuclear program 7- Internal political rivalries of the Zionist regime 8- Create convergence in the internal society of Israel. Therefore, the Zionist regime's core is a approach to covering the internal problems of the regime, pressure on Iran, gaining support for the continuation of occupation, geopolitical sophistication and putting Islamic countries against the Iranians.


  • منابع و مآخذ

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