Application of Game Theory in Military Wars

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Imam Hussein University, Tehran, Iran


Game theory is a field of applied mathematics that has been developed in the context of economics and studies the strategic behavior between rational factors. Game theory attempts to model the mathematical behavior that governs a strategic situation (conflict of interest). This situation arises when a person's success depends on the strategies that others choose. The ultimate goal of this knowledge is to find the optimal strategy for the players. Using game theory, we will need to model and predict the actions of actors at strategic, operational and tactical levels, in which military decisions will be upgraded with a more comprehensive and valuable analysis than the current situation. In recent decades, several studies have been conducted in this regard and researchers have been able to use different branches of game theory to model a wide range of scenarios related to military action. One of the strengths of game theory is that it models the actions of military forces to make decisions against each other. The purpose of writing this article is a brief overview of research that has been written so far using game theory in modeling decision scenarios with military applications. This article also categorizes the type of war modeling, the types of games used, and the players involved. Finally, we conclude that applying game theory in military warfare is more effective than using traditional models to make commanders' decisions at different levels.


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