The US Military-Security Institutionalization in Iraq (2003-2011)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Islamic Revolution Political Studies, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding Author. Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran


Development studies now focus on human resource and human resource development analysis levels. Accordingly, this research is generally concentrated on the individual aspects of HRM. Researches regarding this field are various in terms of concepts, methods and approaches, each of which refers to parts of the individual development model. Therefore, this research aims at developing an integrate review of the present literature and conducting a comprehensive competency-based individual development model through a systematic literature review. The researchers employed open, axial and selective coding method and ATLAS.ti9 for data analysis. 7322 documents were identified. Having subjected them to non-inclusion standards, the researchers presented 37 documents to the software for an in-depth investigation. As a result, 359 narrations were identified and grouped into 177 codes, 21 subcategory and 5 main categories. This research led to the presentation of a new model including the following categories: input, individual development plan (setting goals, prioritizing the goals, goal achievement strategies, time management, revising the individual development plan, participatory implementation, determining evaluation criteria, assessment and monitoring of individuals, feedback, reviewing the individual development plan, output, intervening conditions, and contextual conditions. The proposed model can be employed as a basis of the successful individual human resource development plan by various organizations.


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