The Effect of the Strategic Consideration on the Principle of Military Necessity Considering War Law

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of International Law, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Corresponding author: PhD student of International Law, Payam Noor University, Hamadan, Iran..


The impact of strategy and strategic considerations on the war, whether in decision to implement or not implement the war or how it is implemented, is undeniable. But the answer to the question of which aspects of law of war that is affected by these considerations and what is the effect on each of them. requires careful analysis of both fields of study. Therefore, all categories related to war, especially law of war, have been affected by strategic considerations. The law of war on its totality is shaped by considering these considerations as a principle - based law, trying to balance between the principle of military necessity and the principle of humanity that is why its rules are common and general. Such characteristics, affect the interpretation and implementation of law of war, especially its fundamental principles, more prone to the effect of such considerations. This article aims to identify these influences and reveal the ways and means of these influences on the mentioned principle. The findings of this research showed that although strategic considerations have had a significant impact on the basic principles and rules governing the laws of war; But in explaining the issues related to the law of war, it has been neglected and this issue has led to incorrect conclusions and interpretations of this set of laws.


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