The Effect of Forming Multilateral Security Agreements between Neighbors against the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


Always in the formation of the security-defense pact, such as; The structure of the international system, security needs, and political orientations are influential. In this connection, factors such as; Military power, international structures, understanding of the threat, goals of the defense pact, solidarity and cohesion among the members, and finally the common threat are effective in the application of a defense pact. In this regard, one of the most important concerns of the Islamic Republic in the West Asian region has always been the formation of multilateral security agreements based on geopolitical threats and with a focus on hostilities against our country. This concern has been heightened by the Islamic Republic, especially after the 2011 developments and the spread of the Arab uprisings in West Asia and North Africa. In the meantime, several variables have led to the failure to form unilateral security agreements against Iran, which can be referred to the uncertainty, anarchy and instability of space in West Asia, so that to a large extent predict the next move of actors in such circumstances. Has faced minimal flexibility. Therefore, assessing the polarization of the region, the role of regional actors and the involvement of supra-regional powers in explaining the issue is of great importance. The purpose is to examine the inherent capacity of this approach in explaining the security dynamics of the region. The research method is descriptive-analytical and the data collection method is library.


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