The Influence of the Flow of the Military-Industrial Complex on the Foreign Policy of the United States after September 11: A Case Study of thinking Rooms

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Regional Studies, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Corresponding author: MA in North American Studies, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


This study is aimed at investigating and identifying the problems of Iran’s human resources performance appraisal system. The research follows a qualitative approach based on synthetic method. The statistical population of the study consists of the studies conducted during 2000 to 2019 in the field of the pathology of Iran’s human resource performance appraisal system selected through specific search keywords in the national databases. Totally, 114 studies were selected to be investigated. From among these studies, 29 were chosen on the basis of several screening stages and were then evaluated in terms of their titles, abstracts, and contents. The data are obtained by the qualitative analysis of the research documents. Content analysis method was also used for analyzing the research data in three stages (open, axial, and selective types). Analyzing the data in 101 open codes and 32 axial categories and grouping them into 11 dimensions revealed that Iran's human resources performance appraisal system faces problems in these areas: socio-cultural, technological infrastructure, resources and facilities, organizational-managerial, systems, appraisal program design, appraisal Implementation, performance analysis and feedback, evaluation results, and application of the results and consequences. The results of the data analysis led to the identification of the flaws in the Iranian human resources performance appraisal system in the form of a comprehensive model. Therefore, the designed model provides an appropriate framework for organizations to pathologically appraise their human resource performance.


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