Martyr Soleimani; Strengthening the framing of Islamic resistance to deal with intra-religious transformation

Document Type : Original Article


Isfahan University of Art


With the focus of the Islamic unity plan after the event of the Islamic revolution in Iran, confronting the "external religious other" was put on the agenda. The call of the people of other nations to resist in all directions against the plots of global arrogance (especially after the establishment of a diet in the heart of the Islamic world) posed a serious threat to the West in the region. America tried to prevent it by changing the concept of "other" and replacing "otherness within the religion" instead of its external and alien type and by exaggerating the differences of sects in the Islamic world and consuming energy from Islamic awakening in tension and conflict between people. Investigate the main enemy (dangerous regime) and create more security for this regime. The ability of anti-Shiaism of neo-Salafi thinking can be a suitable tool for implementing the plan of religious transformation of the West. Adding to the Shia and Sunni differences caused by Saudi Arabia's plan of Iran as the Umm al-Qari of the Islamic world was also supported by the exorbitant financial costs of implementing this plan. The purpose of this article is to use the theoretical model of the "framework" and the application of the descriptive-analytical method to take a long step that the martyr will take with his presence in the field of action in the formation of the resistance alliance. And the activities of ISIS groups and finally the regime's weakening have been analysed and investigated. The result of this research shows that with the anger of the Muslim nations, with the martyrdom of Soleimani, the occupation of diet came into the spotlight again. It exposed the security and survival of that regime to danger and harm and made America determined to assassinate this factor of failure of the internal religious transformation plan.


Main Subjects

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