The issue of influence in the government and the strategy with it based on the analysis of Surah Manafekun

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Thought, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Thought, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


One of the threats to the survival of the theocracy is the secret activity of the influence movements against it. Knowing the methods of influence and the appropriate ways to deal with it is very important to maintain political stability. One of the functions of the hypocrites in the Quran is organized influence in the faith community. Although the Qur'an has stated the issue of hypocrites in several chapters; Surah Manafekun is dedicated to this trend separately. Examining this surah shows that its central theme is related to certain functions of this current and the strategy to deal with it. By using penetration in government positions and decision-making centres, abusing economic problems and trying to direct public opinion, this current has tried to distance people from the support of religious leadership. Finally, with the help of foreign powers, it has gained political power in the centre of religious government gained. Society's lack of sufficient awareness of its main nature, as well as its distance from spirituality, provides the basis for the activity of this trend. What the content analysis of the surah shows is that 29% of the sentences of the surah are related to the introduction of influence and 71% are related to strategies to deal with it. These strategies have been taken into consideration at both levels of government and people. Identifying this trend, removing them from the power centres, trusting in God and replacing the firm and faithful elements are among the strategies of governance. On the other hand, the restoration of spirituality and the afterlife and economic support of vulnerable groups are among the duties of the faith community in this situation.


Main Subjects

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