Defense in the strategic depth of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the defense ideas of Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Imam Khamenei

Document Type : Original Article


Head of Doctrine Research Group, National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


One of the most important bases and sources of defence policy is the views of the country's highest decision-making authorities. According to their duties, knowledge and vision, they announce measures that can and should be used in the formulation of defence policies. In the Islamic Republic of Iran as well, Ayatollah Khamenei (Ayatollah Ali) is in possession of the supreme command and has the necessary insight and foresight, having a deep understanding of the Islamic society and system and the regional and international conditions. International, in various fields and have a specific intellectual system in this regard, which is necessary to be familiar with to guide the defence policy. All-round defence capability is the most important factor in preserving the independence and territorial integrity and system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, this article has investigated the dimensions of defence thoughts of His Holiness. The main goal of the research is to explain the pattern of defence in strategic depth c. A. Iran is based on the defence thought of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Imam Khamenei. The results of the research are in five dimensions: "military, political, scientific-cultural, economic and geography", each of which has its own components and requirements, which can be proposed and examined from two positive and negative aspects. This research is applied in terms of purpose, in terms of method, content analysis, and library method has been used to collect data. The statistical population of the research is the collection of His Holiness's statements since 1368, the sample size is 12 experts in the field of jurisprudence and defence.


Main Subjects

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