Investigating the impact of normalization of relations between the UAE and Bahrain and the Zionist regime on the security arrangements in the Persian Gulf

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Regional Studies, Faculty of International Studies, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

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The Persian Gulf is strategically important,, which has caused supra-regional actors to be active intervening in this system throughout history, and regional order to be influenced by these actors' policies.
Due to the decline of the US role in the regionthe Zionist regime has attempted to play a more effective role in the region. The GCC on the other hand, have taken steps to strengthen ties with the Zionist regime in order to assure their security in the wake of the US pullout, attempting to align their security interests with those of Western countries.
The normalization and the presence of the Zionist regime in the region have resulted in changes in the security arrangements in the Persian Gulf, and the main question of this study is how the normalization of Zionist regime relations with the UAE and Bahrain has influenced the transition of security arrangements in the Persian Gulf? The study investigates the above issue using a descriptive-analytical method and library resources. The findings of this study indicate that, following the normalization of relations between the Zionist regime and the countries of the UAE and Bahrain, the security arrangements of the Persian Gulf have been influenced and It is in a state of transition. This transformation has taken the form of shifting friendship-enmity patterns between Iran, the GCC, and the Zionist regime, as well as shifting its polarity with the convergence of the two poles of the GCC and the Zionist regime and the divergence of Iran and the GCC.


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