China's role in the future world order from the perspective of national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


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2 University


In the framework of the knowledge of "international studies" all political phenomena are variable. In other words, the world of international politics is a mixture of variables. In this process, the study of China's all-encompassing rise in the international system as an emerging power is a strategic issue. The political architecture and views of current Chinese officials on international relations are very different from those of previous Chinese leaders. The leaders of the new China are trying to bring their hegemony to the forefront of hegemony on the international stage and away from confrontation with the United States, away from the hustle and bustle of showcasing power. Undoubtedly, China will play an active and decisive role in redesigning and guiding the future world order. Results: China's superiority in the future world system based on components of power; The hegemony of the US-led monopoly system will face strategic bottlenecks. Objective: To study the context of China's role-playing in the future world system and its consequences on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Conclusion: US strategic constraints and threats to the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be severe or ineffective, and will also allow the Islamic Republic of Iran to develop its power and influence in the region and the world. Data collection: documentary-library, information analysis method: qualitative


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