Military drones and revolution in military affairs

Document Type : Original Article


Allameh Tabatabaii University


In the past two decades, the use and rapid spread of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the field of modern weapons has been the focus of international security and military affairs researchers' attention and discussion.
Considering the effects of drones as a modern weapon on military affairs and the way of thinking about war, this research has tried to answer the question whether the introduction and use of drones will lead to the formation of a fundamental transformation and "revolution in military affairs"?
For this purpose, the innovative technological aspects of UAVs as well as its strategic effects in the military strategy of the United States of America (as a case study) have been evaluated.
The hypothesis of this research shows that armed drones, as the first step in entering the era of robotization of war (war robotization) and automatic military systems, will become the basis for the latest stage of the "revolution in military affairs" after the discovery of nuclear weapons.
The conclusion of this research shows that the emergence and use of UAVs should be understood according to the military technological progress towards military robotic systems and the increasing importance of the position of military robotics. So the role of drones in future conflicts will be more prominent. This research provides an analytical and practical framework for policy makers in the country to have a more accurate understanding of the evolution of military affairs and to consider the basic considerations for planning regarding modern weapons.
