The Evaluation of Rouhani’s Foreign Policy based on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s National Interest (2013-2021)

Document Type : Original Article


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2 researcher


Hassan Rouhani's foreign policy has been studied and researched, mainly from a discursive viewpoint. The current research, contrary to this practice, has tried to evaluate the foreign policy of Hassan Rouhani's administration from a performative viewpoint and based on the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran (in a broad sense). According to the trend analysis, Rouhani's foreign policy can be divided into six periods, with focus on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA): 1) From the beginning of the administration to the JCPOA agreement; 2) from JCPOA agreement to Donald Trump election as the 45th President of the United States ; 3) From Trump election to US withdrawal from JCPOA; 4) from the withdrawal of the United States from JCPOA to the failure of INSTEX and negotiations with Europe; 5) From the failure of negotiations with Europe to the election of Joe Biden; 6) Biden's victory in 46th US election and the efforts to revive JCPOA. Accordingly, the main question of this article is: "To what extent does the foreign policy of Rouhani administration served the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran?" The findings show that "Rouhani's foreign policy – due to its one-dimensionality and overfocus on nuclear negotiations and the lack of a successful balancing effort (inadequate balancing) at the domestic and foreign levels after the US withdrawal from the JCPOA – failed to meet an acceptable level of national goals and interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
