Super Challenges of Defense and Environmental conditions of Future Wars in the New Millennium and Their Effects on the Defense Environment and Crimes against the National and International Security of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Semnan, Iran

2 phd

3 PhD student in Criminal Law and Criminology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

4 PhD student in the management of Ivanki non-profit Institute


Paying attention to defense infrastructure and combat power is one of the important requirements for long-term planning in the field of defense-security challenges. Now the question is, defense-security challenges and environmental conditions of future wars in the international system will be affected by what parameters? It seems that the environmental conditions and characteristics of future wars, due to the growth of emerging technologies and the undeniable influence on defense-security challenges, the atmosphere of wars will move towards hybrid, intelligent and fluid wars (question and hypothesis). The above research is of the future research type with a qualitative-interpretive method and a descriptive-analytical approach and through the available (library) data, defense challenges and possible wars in the next two decades in the international environment and their impact on the defense-security environment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. has analyzed (type, method and purpose of research). Although Esana will play the main role in the future, factors such as changes in the composition of actors, war environment and attention to intelligent systems will also affect the conditions of wars. The stunning growth of technology and communication, which we call the information revolution, is a powerful wave that will completely change the nature and characteristics of war and conflict (research findings and innovation).
