Comparative study of cognitive warfare with other Non-kinetic Wars

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in International Relations

2 Assistant Professor, Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


War has changed dramatically over the past few decades and it has distanced itself from the physical threats of conventional wars. The war is now moving towards social and ideological threats posed by the spread of mass media and technological advances. The emergence of this new type of war It's different from anything we've seen before and the reach and level of influence it hasmaking it far more dangerous than its predecessors. We have named this new way of war as cognitive war; Therefore, knowing the concept and nature of cognitive war and its difference with other non-kinetic wars is necessary in order to deal with future threats and reduce the level of vulnerability. Therefore, we tried in this research Using the descriptive-analytical method and using library resources and internet searches Answer the question of what is the concept and nature of cognitive warfare and how is it different from other Non-kinetic Wars? In response to the research question, this hypothesis is proposed that the cognitive war is actually a battle to control the mind of the population of a country and change the basic perceptions and beliefs of a nation. Cognitive warfare is not only about what the targeted people think, Rather, it affects their way of thinking and ultimately their way of acting and it follows that Destroy your enemies from within. Also, although there are various similarities between cognitive warfare and other examples of Non-kinetic Wars,


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