The effectiveness of the national security of the Zionist regime from its geopolitical challenges

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Regional Studies, Imam Hossein University

2 Assistant Professor, Imam Hossein University , Tehran, Iran


One of these views is the effect of geopolitics and geographical limitations of this regime on the national security of the Jewish state. By using the descriptive-analytical approach and by collecting library sources, while studying the geopolitical components of the Zionist regime, the present research has tried to answer the question of what challenges the Zionist regime is facing from the perspective of fixed geopolitical factors and what are the effects of these challenges. Has it placed on the national security of this regime? to answer. The findings of the research show that the Zionist regime is facing many challenges in terms of fixed geopolitical factors (geographical location, land size, topography, shape of the land); In such a way that these challenges have imposed many security problems on the Jewish state and limited the initiative of the leaders of the Zionist regime. Such conditions have put this regime in a geopolitical deadlock;In such a way that the measures taken by this regime to get rid of a geopolitical challenge will aggravate these challenges in other fields and therefore it can be claimed that the Zionist regime is in a geopolitical predicament which, in addition to limiting the policies of the leaders of the Zionist regime, political, economic and It imposes many social problems on this regime and reduces the national security factor of this regime in all dimensions.


Main Subjects

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