The position of power against the threat discourse (a case study of Iran's military power)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated with a PhD in International Relations from Azad University, South Tehran Branch Faculty member of Farabi University

2 Doctoral student of International Relations, Tehran Science and Research Unit

3 Faculty member of Farabi University of Science and Technology


This article aims to understand the geometry of power against the discourse of threats in the armed forces of J.A. in response to the question, what is the focal point of the geometry of power against the discourse of threats in the armed forces of J.A.? He has put his hypothesis on the fact that the focal point of the geometry of power against the discourse of threats in the armed forces of J.A. is based on the three axes of religiousness, following the constitution and obeying the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and In the emphasizing Jihadist management, rule of law and localization of defense equipment, the chain of equivalence of the geometry of power in the armed forces of J.A. is formed against the threat discourse.
The method of the article is descriptive-analytical and its type is fundamental-applied. The method of collecting information is done by focusing on the document analysis method and by reviewing the existing texts. The results of the investigation indicate that the semantic system of the geometry of power in the armed forces of J.A. through emphasizing the points mentioned in the hypothesis of this article.
It can neutralize the semantic system of the equivalence chain of the threat discourse, which is focused on the three axes of inflammation, fear and doubt, and preserve the authority of the J.A. system in the field of defense-security in the three sectors of defending the values ​​of the Islamic Revolution. Strengthen the country's territorial integrity and independence.


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