Thematic Analysis of the Perspective of the Islamic Revolution in Imam Khomeini’s Way of Thinking

Document Type : Original Article


In view of the fact that Islam is a regenerative school, and considering the status of the Islamic Revolution in the geostrategic equations as well as in the new geopolitical structure, and the opportunities and threats in the external environment and the advent of new actors who display complex behavior on different scenes in the internal environment, a double emphasis is placed on delineating the perspective of the Revolution from Imam Khomeini's viewpoint by the expectations of the awakened world public opinion from the Islamic Revolution." Conducting an exact monitoring of events and regional and transregional developments in different occasions from the early phase of the movement in 1962 to 1989, together with closer scrutiny of the hidden and overt dimensions of the threats that challenge national interests, Imam Khomeini has explained and analyzed the dimensions and aspects that constitute the perspective of the Islamic revolution. This research has been conducted with the aim of determining the perspective of the Islamic Revolution from the context of Imam Khomeini's statements. This research has been written with qualitative method. Using the thematic networks' method of analysis, it presents five inclusive themes namely depth-giving activity inside, depth-giving activity outside, countering soft threats, semi-hard and hard threats. The theme extracted from the field of sustainable security has developed five levels for the Islamic order, namely ideological, social, economic, political and cultural security.


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